David Kirkpatrick is a sound and multimedia artist based in Yokohama, Japan. He was previously based in Western Sydney, Australia.
David founded Murasaki Penguin with dancer-choreographer Anna Kuroda in 2010. Performances and installations created worldwide include Subtle Downtempo No with RAW Moves Singapore (2019), Motion Theory 2 with media artist Kian-Peng Ong for Singapore Art Week (2019), Window at the TOYOTA Choreography Award Japan (2016) and Shima series works in New Zealand (2015), Italy (2012) and Australia (2011).
Other individual credits include Multimedia Artist & Collaborator for Yana Taylor’s theatre project Leading Is Following Is Leading at Liveworks Festival (2020), Sound Artist for Tamara Dean’s installation Stream Of Consciousness at the Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art (2018), China On-set TouchDesigner Operator for feature film Pacific Rim Uprising (2018) and Building Projection Designer for Illuminate Wollondilly Festival of Art and Light (2015-22).
David has First Class Honours from the University of Wollongong for a thesis on motion tracking in art (2008) and a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Sound – Composition and Music Production) specialising in Pure Data patching (Greg Schiemer), improvisation & graphic notation (Houston Dunleavy, Stephen Ingham) and live performance (Tom Ellard) (2005-07).
For a 2 page CV please visit davidk.com.au/works.
Thank you to the following organisations for supporting past projects:
- Australia Council for the Arts
The following projects have been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body:
Motion Theory 2 – Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups (2019)
Citylights~街の灯 – Opportunities for Young and Emerging Artists Commission (2012)
Detours & Destinations Installation – Digital Culture Fund (2010)
Laying the foundations to make a living as a sound and multimedia artist – ArtStart Grant (2009) - Australia-Japan Foundation (DFAT)
Murasaki Penguin’s Window at the TOYOTA Choreography Award 2016 was supported by the Australian Government through the Australia-Japan Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (2016) - RAW Moves, Singapore
Subtle Downtempo No new work commission and residency (2019) - The National Arts Council Singapore, Singapore Art Week, Singapore Tourism Board and Supernormal
Motion Theory commissions (2019, 2017) - FORM Dance Projects, Australia
Dove Lake residency (2018) - TOYOTA Japan
TOYOTA Chorography Award finalist funding (2016) - Wellington LUX Festival, New Zealand
Shima for Wellington installation funding (2015) - Steep Slope Studio, Japan
Window development residency (2015) - Ausdance NSW
Window and Depth Dance Artist In Residence (DAIR) residencies (2014 and 2015) - Brand X, Australia
Depth Performing Arts Residency (2014) - Yokohama City, Japan
Citylights~街の灯 project funding (2013) - Underbelly Arts Festival, Australia
Shima project funding (2011) - Screen Development Australia
Full subsidy to attend The Australian Network for Art and Technology’s (ANAT) Dome Lab (2010) - NSW Government
Funding to create Threshold Live – a concert by emerging Australian sound and multimedia artists (2007)